Years of refining make our program simple for you.

It’s easy to start and there’s virtually no additional work for your staff.  Servers jump at the opportunity to inform customers that a free gift awaits them on their birthday.

  • Your customers receive personalized birthday invitations from your restaurant in the mail.
  • Customers bring in their invitations to celebrate in your restaurant and redeem their offer.
  • Servers give every customer a sign-up form at end of meal.
  • Customers may also sign up online, if you choose.
  • We build a database of your customers’ birthdays.
  • Servers simply fill in two boxes on the back of the card … size of party and total tab.
  • You send the redeemed cards, and any new sign-ups, back to us in our postage-paid envelopes … at no cost to you.

We’ll enter the new information into your restaurant’s database to track redemptions and mail most efficiently.

Bottom Line …

You already know that good food and great service are essential to your success.  However, The Full Table Birthday Invitation Program will do more to generate profit, improve good will and elicit positive word-of-mouth for your restaurant than anything else you can do!

Choose your birthday card

Country Chateau
Country Chateau

“This is a hassle-free program. The customer really appreciates it, the staff benefits from it, and management profits by it. Guests bring in family and friends to celebrate!”

Harvey R., New York, NY